(English) GNM testimonial

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Sting on the heart

Report and analysis according to the system of the 5 Biological Laws of Nature (5BL, New Medicine, GNM, German New Medicine).
The report is about About a client / patient of me / family member
Gender Female
Age 32 years (at the time of the symptoms / disease)
Handedness Right
Additional methods
Categories Prediction of symptoms in the future
Observation of several similar SBS runs, e.g. multiple identical PCL phases (thereby validation of the cause)
Small to medium (sore throat, lumbago, sudden hearing loss, allergies, ...)


The young woman had a menstrual cycle-linked string on the heart for several months. The last occurrence could be accurately predicted as such in terms of time, because the rhythm had been precisely analyzed and the underlying loss of territory topic had been concluded - and no further recurrences were to be expected.


On the 17th of June 2015 at night, the young woman felt heart pain / angina for the first time in her life. A second time five months later, on 11/11/2015 at 6 o’clock in the morning. A third time again a month later, on 12/06/2015, at night at 3 o’clock while breastfeeding her baby. It suddenly came “out of nowhere” and lasted for a few minutes. This time she was really afraid she would die when her husband found her in the bathroom. The symptoms were no longer “repressed”, instead, a precise analysis was started:

The symptomatic tissues were the coronary veins or arteries, which belong to the territorial areas (note: the knowledge of the rules of the territorial areas is required in this report). They are lined with ectodermal mucosa and belong to the inner-skin scheme. Therefore in the epi-crisis, the sensitivity increases sharply without any apparent external cause. With additional swelling from the previous conflict-resolved phase, or because of scarring as a result of previous recurrences, the narrowed area in the vessels synchronizes the pain to the heartbeat.

A one month gap between the last two occurrences raised the hypothesis that this SBS was hormonally triggered and proceeded in the same rhythm as her menstruation. A check showed that all three times, the heart pain occurred at the time of the menstrual period. Since the symptoms occur in the epi-crisis, the conflict resolution must take place prior to that, when the estrogen drops shortly after ovulation. Accordingly, the rise in estrogen before ovulation, leads to the activation of the SBS, so that this rhythm is clear.

The content of the conflict was therefore a female-perceived theme in the territorial areas, as it is automatically activated when estrogen increases and the woman feels “female” again. When estrogen declines and she is hormonally more “male”, the causual sensation is less importang and leads to a temporary conflict resolution (by the way, this describes the basic mechanism of many menstrual complaints).

Since the coronary vessels were clearly identified by the symptom, the content of the conflict must therefore be a “loss of territory / sexual frustration”.

The background to this was clarified in the following survey: The woman had been the trainer of youth dance groups for more than a decade. Some time before the summer holidays in 2015, she was unexpectedly told by many of her students (some of whom had danced with the group for more than 8 years), that they would quit. That was very bad for her, as she suddenly realized that her long-time group would dissolve. For her, this felt like a strong loss of relationship. Also, the manner in which they informed her felt like a loss of confidence – exactly the emotions that cause the “Sexual frustration” conflict, the feminine perceived variant of “loss of territory” conflict.

Since this event left her feeling depressed, the right brain relay must be affected, where testosteron regulation is controlled – and therefore it must be the SBS of the coronary arteries (Note: It therefore could have been the third territorial conflict at the earliest, since only from this on the right side of the brain is perceived “female” for right-handed women).

The first conflict resolution came relatively soon after the announcement that the dance group would disband. She accepted it after a few weeks and already had planned a career change, for which the termination of the group was even an advantage.

The final appearance of the group was set for December 2015, where a ceremony was to take place, for which the group (including those who had already left) trained intensively in November and December. As a result, the topic became relevant again for her at this time, which is why it led to the heart pain around her menstrual periods in those two months.

Based on this analysis, it was now possible to make a clear prediction that the pain would almost certainly occur one more time, and then probably cease altogether. The exact date could even be predicted. Here is my correspondence to her from December 28th of that year:

“… I have just checked the dates concerning your prognosis: If your mentrual cycle is again as short as the last time (29 days), then you will have your menstrual period on January 6th and most likely experience heart pain between January 4th and 8th (my guess is the 5th). If it is longer, say 35 days, then you would have your menstrual period on January 12th and the heart pain therefore around that date, so between January 10th and 15th (most likely the 14th). Interpolate all cycle “lengths” in between those dates. This will most likely be the last occurrence.”

This accurate prediction is possible because the time between ovulation and menstrual period for each woman is always a fairly constant 12 days, and therefore, the time from ovulation to heart pain was predictable, based on the exact menstrual cycle data of her last three occurrences. Since she was doing NFP for years, all her data was precise.

Her cycle was actually 32 days this time, so the forecast was the time between January 7th and 11th, with the 8th as the most likely date. In fact, on January 8, she had one last heart pain in the morning while breastfeeding, and no more in the months that followed, as the group had been dissolved in December. She has now turned to her new professional project with full vigor.

This time, she was relaxed during the symptoms because of the prediction. And, of course, was no longer scared to death, since it was clear that it was not a chaotic process that could kill her, but a clearly understandable, regulated part of an ongoing meaningful biological special program, which in her case, will in the future, no longer occur in this context.

Note: Have you also had exciting experiences with the 5BL? If so, it would be great if you could send us an anonymized report so that we can publish it in the archive and everyone can benefit from your experiences. Thank you very much!

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.