(English) GNM testimonial

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Inflammation of the left cornea

Report and analysis according to the system of the 5 Biological Laws of Nature (5BL, New Medicine, GNM, German New Medicine).
Diagnoses Erosio of the cornea left eye with inflammation
Report by:
Hardy Neumann
The report is about Me
Gender Male
Age 52 years (at the time of the symptoms / disease)
Handedness Left
Additional methods Diagnosis by ophthalmologist
Categories Observation of several similar SBS runs, e.g. multiple identical PCL phases (thereby validation of the cause)
Observation of a single SBS run, e.g. one PCL phase (optionally with prediction of PCL duration)
Small to medium (sore throat, lumbago, sudden hearing loss, allergies, ...)


- Severe corneal inflammation of the left eye - 10 days conflict active phase with noticeable tissue changes e.g. during blinking - Sudden inflammation overnight - Sick leave by treating ophthalmologist for 10 days - Omission of local antibiotics except for one dose after 7 days - Physician literally detects "excessive growth" and removes corneal fragments


My first experience with the 5 biological laws of nature

In the meantime it was about 14 years ago (in 2007). Almost eagerly I waited for an illness to be able to verify the 5 biological laws of nature by my own experience.

One morning I wake up and have eye pain. Only the left eye is affected, it is inflamed and I can't go to work like this. So I call in sick and take the public transport to the eye doctor.

Already on the way I start to think about what has happened to my eye. Since I am already somewhat familiar with the symptoms, I suspect the solution of a visual separation conflict. So, in the broadest sense, I have lost sight of a beloved person. I am biologically left-handed and my left eye is affected. The cornea is ectodermal, and the left eye therefore reacts to people of equal status. This can be almost everybody except (general) own children or own mother. Hmm, I have to think. Then in the waiting room I recognize the triggering event. I thought about what I had done the previous day, during which a solution to a problem/conflict possibly happened to me.

During the day I had gone to work normally and then at home I was back to my hobby 5BL and hanging out on the internet forum. And then I talked to a friend on the phone...

I told him about the problem I have with my father. Actually, I wanted to visit my father 10 days ago, but I wasn't in the best condition and didn't go without contacting him. Also from his side there was no inquiry, what was going on, why I did not come. For 10 days I thought every day about how I could best deal with the situation, but I did not find a solution.

Now, in this telephone conversation, my friend gave me a new idea: "It's not so bad if you can't go to your father's, then you just won't see each other. After all, he didn't even ask.

Yes, and that was the solution to my problem - I didn't have to see him anymore. Quite surprisingly, my continuing problem had become irrelevant. And almost overnight the inflammation of the cornea of my eye developed.

I had already noticed in the days before the inflammation that there was something different about the eye: when I blinked, there was a rough spot, but it did not hurt. I thought nothing of it. And once there was an preview of an inflammation a few days before, but I didn't care about that either. Only in retrospect could I understand these mild symptoms.

This difficulty of simply going to my father for a visit was something that bothered me quite a bit. But I didn't tell anyone, because it was intimate. I was not the type to make a big fuss about this kind of problem. But I told this friend about it without thinking. I freed myself from the isolating situation. And he gives me a new perspective on the matter, which I like. I can forget about the problem and fall asleep well.

The doctor diagnosed an erosio of the cornea. For the time being I was on sick leave for a week. Since this doctor went on vacation, I went to his substitute. He wanted to write me only after 10 days healthy again (the same time as the conflict-active phase). When he examined me after a week of illness, he removed excess cornea that had formed in excess healing.

It was the first time I had tried to get rid of such an illness without antibiotics, which the doctor prescribes by default. And except for one dose, I left that out too.

I was also able to explain the slight inflammation that occurred in between, but which quickly disappeared. Because I had told a colleague about my problem with my visit. But it did not result in a solution.

The rough spot when blinking was without pain, because the cornea is less sensitive in the CA phase according to the external skin scheme. The rough spot itself indicated that there is an issue running very actively and also something must be found in my psyche.

It was a very vivid example of a condition and its biological connection. I have also experienced many times that I could not figure out why I have other illnesses, precisely because there are not always such clear changes from one day to the next.

Over the years I have had corneal inflammation of the same type 4 more times. But each time it was with other people who are important to me.

Note: Have you also had exciting experiences with the 5BL? If so, it would be great if you could send us an anonymized report so that we can publish it in the archive and everyone can benefit from your experiences. Thank you very much!

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.